
Showing posts from August, 2023


Proactivity sounds great right? It's positive and meaningful, and everything we want to be all the time. Except for some reason we can't. Not quite enough anyway. We mull over things in the present, forget the milk on the way home and then get scorned when you need to brave the cold and go back, leaving washing up to your partner. Why? I'll try to understand what proactivity actually is by looking at cognition, it's evolutionary benefits, and how to get better at it.  Why does it feel bad to get it wrong? The absence of proactivity just feels like such an outright failure, when perhaps we're being a little too harsh on ourselves. Let's look at this construct on a continuum. Say, at one end you have spontaneous, the other proactive. Now where do you want to average out? Personally I love being a planner, but always feel great when I've let certain things go a bit and live in the moment. I say certain, because for me, I prefer my spontaneity to be a visit to t...