Why do anything, let alone jump into an all consuming venture to start a company which may not amount to anything? To borrow from Simon Sinek, I'd say... Purpose. I work full time and have two young kids at home, yet despite this, I pick now to start packing on extra responsibility. It's because my purpose is quite Stoic in nature. See, I'm doing this for me, and quite unashamedly so. I feel like there's something positive I might be able to do, and so, I set a course to do those things. Along the way, what's most important to me, is my own growth. I know things won't be right, let alone perfect. In that imperfection however, I'm hoping to learn a great deal, and impart just a little wisdom unto others. I've been turning over a new leaf since listening to a few people I admire: Jocko Willink, Andrew Huberman, and Chris Williamson to name a few. I've started to get up earlier than anyone else in my home, do some exercise despite my intense loathin...