
Why do anything, let alone jump into an all consuming venture to start a company which may not amount to anything?

To borrow from Simon Sinek, I'd say... Purpose. 

I work full time and have two young kids at home, yet despite this, I pick now to start packing on extra responsibility. It's because my purpose is quite Stoic in nature. See, I'm doing this for me, and quite unashamedly so. I feel like there's something positive I might be able to do, and so, I set a course to do those things. Along the way, what's most important to me, is my own growth. I know things won't be right, let alone perfect. In that imperfection however, I'm hoping to learn a great deal, and impart just a little wisdom unto others. 

I've been turning over a new leaf since listening to a few people I admire: Jocko Willink, Andrew Huberman, and Chris Williamson to name a few. I've started to get up earlier than anyone else in my home, do some exercise despite my intense loathing of mornings and working out, and consume knowledge. I aim to listen to a few quality non-fiction podcasts, and audiobooks each week. So far in 2023, it's been going well... Although not perfectly. I've slept in and still achieved less than I'd hoped... But I'm trying something new for me too... To be kind to myself. See, I heard recently from Ryan Holiday in his book on Discipline, that even 1% better each day is a monumental improvement over time. And so, that's what I'm doing. 

Where to... Well, you can expect reflections and sharing of thoughts and experiences in this space. I also hope to regularly break down journal articles in the pursuit of peer reviewed knowledge building, as well as publish some useful tools I come across. 

In time, I'll update you all on my other goals on my site. I do very much hope to achieve them all. 

You'll hear from me soon,



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